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Celebrate Lent with us

Worship with us this Sunday

In-person worship service 

Every Sunday at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
Please join us in the sanctuary for a time of worship, prayer, and hearing the word.

Life Together hour

Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
We have classes for children, youth, and adults, or feel free to hang out in the cafe or foyer.


Bellingham Covenant Church
1530 East Bakerview Road
Bellingham, WA 98226

Live stream worship service

Please join us online every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. for our live-stream worship service or at a time that works best for you!

Tithes & Offering


Connect with us

Looking to get in contact with one of our pastors, need prayer, or would like for us to get to know you? Please fill out our Connect Card!

Pray with us

Wednesday Morning Contemplative Prayer

Join Pastor Phil on Zoom every Wednesday morning from 8:30-9:00 as we take time to reflect on scripture and pray together.



The purpose of BCC|KIDS is to enable our children to become a dynamic force of believers, filled with God’s spirit, able to minister to others in Jesus’ name. It is our desire that our kids know and love God personally.


We believe that our youth are not just the church of tomorrow, but that they are the church of today!  To that end, we place high value in providing a safe place for students to experience a growing relationship with God.


To help us more fully embody a biblical community, we provide several class and group options for adults.  It's our desire that we would become a greenhouse of spiritual growth in the lives of our people

Care Giving

We live in a fractured and broken world where we sometimes need a loving and nurturing community, one where we feel cared for in the name of Jesus Christ.  At BCC, we hope to provide that kind of care through our caregiving ministry. 

Local & Global Outreach

God is on a mission to reconcile and restore all of creation to a right relationship with Himself.  As part of his church, we are called and equipped to participate in these ares of mission which lie at our doorstep as well as those in the far corners of the earth.

Bellingham Covenant Preschool

Bellingham Covenant Preschool is a Christian preschool with an emphasis on appreciating and exploring God’s creation, interacting with other children and preparation for kindergarten.