Care Giving

We live in a fractured and broken world where we sometimes need a loving and nurturing community, one where we feel cared for in the name of Jesus Christ.  At BCC we hope to provide that kind of care through our Care Giving Ministry.

BCC Care Ministers are available to provide:

  • A Listening Ear

  • Prayer

  • Encouragement

  • Visits

  • Phone Calls

  • Support

Care ministry

Care Ministers understand that sometimes life’s challenges present the need for an extended period of compassion.   A loss of a loved one, unemployment, ill-health or other circumstances can create a situation where additional support is needed.  A Care Minister can come alongside providing a listening ear and prayerful encouragement.  We are not professional counselors, but are lay people who have caring hearts and serving hands.

Christians are not immune from the difficulties of life, although we sometimes have a hard time admitting those difficulties because we’re afraid they might reflect badly on our spiritual life.  The thinking goes something like this:

“If I were a better or more devoted Christian, I wouldn’t be experiencing this pain. If I admit my pain to other Christians, they might think less of me.”

There are times on our Christian journey when we may believe these kinds of thoughts, and the truth is, God accepts and loves you just as you are and so does Bellingham Covenant Church.  We understand that sometimes it takes extended time and encouragement to get through life’s challenges.  We are here to fulfill our role as the Body of Christ by supporting one another through these difficulties.  That’s why we offer both Stephen Ministry and Caregiver training and assistance.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

Those given the gift of compassion are waiting for God to bring them someone with whom they can minister.  We are created to love God, love one another and bear each other’s burdens. 

For more information, please contact Bellingham Covenant Church:

Phone: 360-733-5920
Email the Care Team