Bible Memory

Bible Memory

One of the most fundamental spiritual practices is memorizing scripture.  We’re encouraged to memorize scripture in both the old and new testaments.  Deuteronomy 6:4-9 tells us to bind God’s law on our foreheads, teach it to our children, talk about it wherever we go, and make it an integral part of our lives.  Colossians 3:16 tells us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly.  Memorizing Scripture helps against temptation, it gives us a better understanding of God and his will, it helps us live in obedience, and memorizing scripture makes us wise.  Jesus himself memorized Scripture.  


While there are many ways to memorize scripture, we are going to focus on one passage a month. Each passage will have a few different ways to engage your memory…

  • a printed card for your bedside, bathroom mirror, etc

  • a temporary tattoo

  • a keychain tag

  • cellphone wallpaper

  • social media reminders

  • and more…

Cellphone wallpapers

Cellphone Wallpapers