Worshipful Play

Sunday Mornings with BCC Kids!

On Sunday mornings from 10:00-11:45 our children are invited into a small group setting called Worshipful Play with similarly aged kids. Parents are always welcome to pick up their children up early if needed.

What Is Worshipful Play?

The Worshipful Play approach adapts for children the same pattern that is used in “grown-up” communal worship. Generally speaking, the pattern follows the rhythm of “hearing” and “response”.

Turning our attention to God’s Presence
We come into the room and form a circle.
We take a breath or sing a centering song, preparing our hearts, minds, and bodies for worship. We call this “Getting Ready” or “Call to Worship”

Listening to God’s Presence
We tell a Scripture story, in the context of the whole Story. We tell each story simply, slowly, and visually.
We call this “Hearing the Story”

Wondering in God’s Presence
We consider questions that we have imagined as we listen to the story.
We place ourselves in the story and learn from each other. We discover continuity with other stories.
We call this “Wondering”

Responding to God’s Presence
We are free to respond as God prompts. We take time in our rooms for individual quiet responses to God.
We may respond through art, reading, storytelling, or praying. We call this “Responding”

Fellowshipping in God’s Presence
We share with one another: snacks, joys, sorrows, prayer, and praise. We serve one another.
We call this “Feasting”

Gym Time
I always say that Gym time is to kids what coffee hour is to adults. It is time for them to play and nourish their friendships with one another.

Blessing & Benediction
Children come back together in the classroom after gym time to wait for parents to pick up and receive a blessing from the classroom Helper as they go.