February 2025

Together In Mission

Monthly Reflections from BCC

Navigating Change Together

By Phil Rushton
Lead Pastor

As we embark on our two service experiment this month, I wanted to share a few thoughts about how we might navigate change together. Change is rarely easy. It evokes a variety of emotions within us. Change often brings some loss of what we are familiar with and comfortable with. This can cause us to experience some grief. Change can trigger some fear or anxiety about the unknown. This is particularly true if we’ve faced difficult transitions in the past. 

The scriptures offer us some helpful guidance as to how we might not only survive change but thrive and grow in the midst of change. Here are a few perspectives and practices that might help us navigate this upcoming season together. 

1. Normalize Change: 

It’s helpful to remember that one of the constants in scripture is change and transition. In Genesis 12, Abram was called to leave what he knew and step out into an unknown future in an unknown land. When the Israelites ended up in Egypt, God led them on a long pilgrimage through the desert into the promised land. Even when they arrived in the promised land, the people of God were never fully settled. They faced trials and hardships from within and without. They endured seasons of exile, and seasons of rebuilding. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, the early church had to be adaptive as God added to their number and as they were dispersed due to persecution. Yet, through it all, God was faithful! The church has endured all kinds of challenges, changes, and setbacks, and yet here we are 2000 years later continuing the mission of Christ!

2. Change can Be Redemptive:

As I look back over my own life, the biggest growth I have experienced came through seasons of transition and change. When we are comfortable and stable we can easily be lured into a false sense of security. When we step out in faith, we often rediscover our need to depend on God. In the biblical story, some of God’s most formative work takes place in times of transition and change. God could have fast-forwarded the Israelites’ journey through the desert. Instead, he took the long road to the promised land. This time of uncertainty and transition created a context where the people of God learned to depend on God and cultivate courage. 

3. Keep Focused on the Vision:

It is important to remember the why behind change and transition. I want to remind us that the vision behind the changes here at BCC is not simply to grow. The vision is to welcome people into community and make disciples! When God called Abram to step out in faith in Genesis 12, it was not for an arbitrary reason. God did not lead Abram into the unknown simply to destabilize his life so he would grow. No, God wanted to work through Abram to be a blessing to the nations. Similarly, the changes we are experimenting with in this season are in service of blessing people. As we have been preparing for these changes, I have been spurred on and motivated by the stories of people who have come to BCC in the last couple of years and found this to be a place of healing and growth!

 4. Love God and Love People:

During my last day of seminary, I asked one of my professors if he had any final advice for me as I prepared to start my first call as a pastor. He said, “At the end of the day, the calling is simple - love God and love people.” This is how Jesus summarizes the spiritual journey.

So, as we embark on this new season together, I want to call us back to our simple yet profound calling. I pray that this will be a season where we will grow deeper in our dependence and love for God. As we abide in the love of God, I trust that we will grow in our capacity to love and bless those who are already in our congregation and those who God may add to our community!

One last thought. As we navigate change together I want to encourage us to engage in healthy communication. In Matthew 18, we are given a great model for communication. Jesus tells us to start by talking directly to the person implicated in our concern before going up the ladder and bringing others into the conversation. If you have concerns, frustrations, or questions about a particular ministry area in the months to come I’d encourage you to bring them directly to the ministry director or pastor overseeing that area. This includes me! Know that my door is open if you want to talk through what you are experiencing as we navigate transition. As we have communicated in the lead up to this change, we really see this as a season of discernment. So, we want to hear from you in the months to come.

God Bless,
Pastor Phil

BCC Faces: Diane Hawkins

Stewards of Children Workshop

By Megan Mattix
Children’s Director

Dear Church Family,
We want to invite you to join the staff for an important and free training here at BCC on Saturday, March 15th, from 9:00 to 11:30 am. The workshop is called Stewards of Children, and it’s designed to equip adults with practical actions to reduce instances of child sexual abuse in organizations, families, and communities.

About the Workshop

This award-winning, evidence-informed training focuses on increasing knowledge and changing behavior. It combines powerful video interviews with a diverse group of individuals—including experts, survivors, and treatment providers—and is delivered in a trauma-informed way by rigorously trained instructors.

The workshop teaches three foundational skills:

  • Making choices to protect children.

  • Taking risks to minimize dangers to children.

  • Supporting each other in prevention efforts.

It also highlights the 5 Steps to Protecting Children, showing how to apply them to better safeguard children from sexual abuse.

Why This Matters

Child sexual abuse is one of the most widespread health problems children face, with serious and lasting consequences. Did you know that 1 in 10 children will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday?

This means that whether you’re a parent, grandparent, youth worker, or member of our church community, it’s likely that someone you know has been or is currently impacted. Together, we can do our part to prevent and detect abuse both within and beyond our church.

How to Join

We encourage everyone to attend this vital training.
RSVP here or reach out with any questions: megan@bellinghamcov.org


By Nancy Henderson

Whatever do George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, Pope John Paul II, and Charles W. Colson have in common? They are the subjects of Eric Metaxas’ 2013 book 7 Men…and The Secret of Their Greatness, a new addition to our library.  

Interesting, informative, and well-written with pleasantly surprising insights into the lives of these men of faith and character, 7 Men can be found in the “Collected Biographies” section of our lovely church library, along with numerous other individual and collected biographies.

Watch for monthly features and highlights “From Your BCC Library” and take advantage of all it has to offer.

Up Next:

Two Services Begin
Sunday, February 2
9:00 First Service
10:00 Life Together Classes for children, youth, & adults
11:00 Second Service

Ethiopian Dinner / Food Bank Fundraiser in honor of Biftu Takele
Sunday, February 2
5:00 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room
*Join us for a traditional Ethiopian dinner prepared by our own Mulu Belay. This meal will be held to honor the anniversary of the passing of Mulu's daughter BIftu. We will be accepting financial donations to the Bellingham Food Bank, or supplies to refill their pantry.

CoWork Corner
Every Tuesday & Thursday
12:00 pm-3:00 pm in Cafe Fika
*This is a shared workspace for those who work or study from home

Prime Timers Brunch
Thursday, February 6
12:30 pm in the Dining Room
*Prime Timers is a ministry for those who are 60(ish) and above

Second Cup of Coffee
Saturday, February 8
10:00 am in Cafe Fika
*Ladies, join us for coffee and fellowship! If you are new to BCC, this is a great way to get to know other ladies in our church!

New Members Class
Saturday, February 15
9:00-Noon in the Foyer
*register with Phil: phil@bellinghamcov.org

All-Church Game Night!
Saturday, February 15
6:30-8:30 pm in the Youth Room
*Bring your favorite board/card game and a snack to share for our next game night!

Congregational Annual Meeting
Sunday, February 23
6:00 pm in the Sanctuary
*Join us as we vote on the upcoming budget, affirm new leadership positions, and celebrate the blessings of the past year.

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5

Recycling Drive
Saturday, April 26

All Church Campout
June 19-22


December 2024