Spiritual Care Suite
Tending to our spiritual health
Now more than ever, it’s important for us to pay attention to our spiritual lives and health. Take some time to tend to your soul by engaging in spiritual practices, simple prayer exercises, utilizing an online devotional, daily reflections on the Bible, and use the playlist as a soundtrack to your spiritual journey.
Listening for the voice of God
Spiritual practices are simple exercises to grow your spiritual muscles. They are designed to allow you time and space to hear God’s voice. Consider engaging in these practices as you take a walk, go out for a run, sit by a body of water, reflect in a quiet space or perhaps one filled with activity. Wherever and however, we invite on this journey—to listen for God in that still small voice. Click the images below to learn more.
Growing in The Word
These are great resources to engage Scripture by providing daily reflections on the Bible. The Bible App has great devotionals for students (and adults) that range from topical studies to books of the Bible. Pray As You Go are audio recordings (10-15 minutes) that feature a piece of music and reflection questions on daily Scripture passages. Lectio 365 is another great app that guides you through a moment of reflection on scripture and prayer.
Soundtracks to your spiritual journey
Reflective music to tend to your spiritual life.